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5 Must-Have Criteria for a Real Estate CRM

5 Must-Have Criteria for a Real Estate CRM

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When you’re a real estate agent, the ability to generate a quality lead is essentially the lifeblood of your business. A CRM is a great tool for this effort – this software is designed to manage your database, as well as organize and generate leads.

So whether you’re cleaning up your database or just shopping around for a new CRM for your real estate business, you want to make sure the program you invest in does what you need it to do and then some. Which one will help your real estate business get organized and optimized? Below are five criteria to keep in mind as you select the perfect real estate CRM:

  1. Seamless Database Upload: What’s the use of a real estate CRM if you can’t easily import your contacts? You need a system that allows you to easily upload your contacts. Look for a CRM that will allow you to easily import your contacts with a few clicks of the mouse. Look for systems that work with your current contact list; popular imports include: Comma-Separate Value (CSV) files, Google contacts or Outlook directories.
  1. Super Sorter: So many clients, so little time! Your CRM needs to work for you. Selecting a CRM that helps you prioritize your contacts is a no brainer. In order to be efficient and effective, you need to know what A+ clients you should be paying attention to, what clients might need a little nudge and what clients. Your real estate CRM should help you prioritize your relationships so you can prioritize your time.
  1. Goal Setting: Getting your contacts uploaded and prioritized are vital to the CRM journey. Next, you will need to be able to keep yourself accountable. By using a realtor CRM that allows you to set daily, weekly, monthly and annual goals, you won’t have to waste valuable time always trying to figure out if you are on track. A CRM that spells out your goals as a daily reminder will help you stay the course and achieve success.
  1. Easy-To-Read Dashboard: A CRM should have an easy-to-read dashboard that will keep track of your goals, to-do tasks, appointments and any other real-estate activities. A realtor CRM dashboard is typically the first screen you see when logging in — it should not only help you stay on track but also give you an at-a-glance look at where you should be focusing your business. Simple graphics that tell a story, checklists to remind you of what to do and reminders of your success are all components of a great dashboard in a CRM for real estate professionals.
  1. Added Marketing Value: Using a real estate CRM to get your contacts organized will certainly help your business. But, if you can find a CRM that includes marketing materials specifically for real estate agents, then you are on the fast-track to success. Find a CRM that allows you to send bulk emails and includes templates to help communicate effectively with buyers and sellers. Taking it one step further – a CRM that provides printed materials for you to stay top of mind with your clients and prospects is even better.

Selecting a CRM for your real estate business doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Keep these five criteria in mind and you will be on the right path to selecting the best option for you. Buffini & Company Referral Maker® PRO marketing system is designed with all this criteria in mind. Think of it as the place where valuable real estate marketing meets a great CRM. The system integrates seamlessly with Referral Maker CRM, a real estate CRM proven to make lead generation activities more intentional and effective.

Learn more about Referral Maker CRM and see if it is right for you. Wherever you are in your real estate career, make sure you invest in a system that gets you reliable results!

Buffini & Company

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