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Take a Bite Out of Life

Take a Bite out of Life!

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Many people mistakenly believe that a bucket list is something you only make if you receive a bad health diagnosis. The truth is, a bucket list can change your life if you embrace it. It can give you hope, show you purpose, and introduce joy back into your day. To write a powerful bucket list, you should take three steps.

First, you must dream. A dream energizes your mind, empowers you to believe, and requires you to step out and do things you’ve never done before. One of the best ways to dream is to use visual pictures and images. What’s your screen saver, for example? Do you have a dream board? The mind is extremely powerful so put your dream in front of you in the form of visual pictures of things you want to do, places you want to go, experiences you want to have, and feelings you want to experience more.

Next, turn your dreams into goals. As Napoleon Hill said, “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” Be a dreamer who is a doer – you have to dream first, but then you have to do. Remember that a dream written down with a date becomes a goal; a goal broken down into steps becomes a plan; and a plan backed by action makes your dreams come true. Make sure you turn your dream storming into goal making.

Finally, create a bucket list of where you want to go, what you want to do, and what you want to achieve. In each of these categories, focus on your top three items, otherwise it can begin to feel overwhelming. To create impetus, sort each category by age and date: by the age of fifty, you might want to see one of the natural wonders of the world, for example. It’s also helpful to identify bucket list buddies and really dive into the detail of the what, where, who, and how much.

A bucket list is a fun, engaging way to take a bite out of life and give you a year-round sense of anticipation. It will bring a joyful, youthful enthusiasm back into your day and it’s extraordinarily stimulating for the mind and heart. So dream big, turn your dreams into goals, and then create a bucket list of what the good life looks like for you. Be a doer, not just a dreamer!

Listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life” to hear Brian’s tips and advice on creating your unique bucket list! Plus, download the My Bucket List resource for free! Click here to listen.

Buffini & Company

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