Buffini & Company Blog

Write the Perfect Plan to Achieve All Your 2020 Goals

Write the Perfect Plan to Achieve All Your 2020 Goals

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Got 2020 vision? When you have a plan, you sure do! With the right real estate agent training, you will get the tools to get this plan in motion. Whatever your goal is this year — whether you want to increase your production numbers or start your own real estate team — a well-written action plan is going to be the key to your success in 2020.

Here is a step-by-step guide to get your plan started.

1. Write down your dreams.

Maybe this is more vacation time, or a fully funded retirement. Whatever your dreams are, you want to write them down and keep them front and center with a vision board. But be careful! Dreams aren’t the same as your goals. Dreams are visions of where you want to go — your goal is the action step that will get you there.

2. Create SMART goals

Your goal should be SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. Be intentional when determining your goals. You want ones that will get you out of your comfort zone, provide some hope for the future and leave room for a plan that gets you to the end result. Take your time with this step and you’re bound to achieve by the end of the year.

3. Set deadlines.

This is important. By applying a deadline to each goal, you make those action steps feel more attainable. Here’s a good format to follow: “I will have $1000 extra saved in my IRA by July 2020.”

4. Break it down.

Once you have the goal and the corresponding deadline, you can break it down into baby steps that will help you achieve it. If you’re trying to save more for retirement, create a monthly savings plan to see more in your account by mid-year. If you’re boosting your production, determine how many extra calls, notes and pop-bys you’ll complete each month to get the desired amount of leads. Achieve your goals one step at a time!

5. Stay encouraged!

Look for sources of encouragement to keep you motivated along the way. Consume great motivational books and podcasts to give you that shot in the arm to sustain your goals. Try out The It’s a Good Life podcast for weekly inspiration!

Whatever you want to achieve in 2020, you’ll get there when you build a solid plan. An investment in training can help — check out Peak Producers, a real estate agent training program from Buffini & Company designed to get you to conquer your goals and achieve at the highest level in real estate.

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